Garden Railways has been the leading magazine devoted to the hobby of outdoor, large-scale model railroading for more than 30 years. Each issue brings you step-by-step modeling projects, fascinating photo tours of garden railroads, unbiased product reviews, new product announcements, tips from the experts, and much more!
Plus, subscribers get exclusive online access to the Railroad Gardening Library, product reviews, project plans, bonus articles, and more. Whether you’re new to the hobby or a seasoned veteran, this magazine is for you!
Converting locomotives to battery power and radio control
Visit the Porcupine Gulch
Staff corner: Marc Horovitz
A laser cutter makes detail parts easily
Railroadin’ kids
From the Editor
Notes & news
Garden railway basics
How to repair a damaged locomotive
Online station
Related links
Product reviews
One-page project
Build a functional grade crossing